Discord Community Guidelines

DO NOT use this server specifically to find dates. This is NOT what this server is for.  If you're looking for dates, you should use our app Snack for that! 

Please change your nickname to your real or preferred name so we can address you properly! Do not leave your nickname blank or use inappropriate, sexually explicit or offensive nicknames. Moderators reserve the right to change nicknames that do not meet our guidelines.

Please upload a profile picture! Do not use an offensive, inappropriate or sexually explicit profile picture. Moderators will reach out if a profile picture does not meet our guidelines and failure to make the appropriate changes will result in a ban. 

Under no circumstances is this discord for those under the age of 18. To reiterate, our server is only for individuals who are 18 years of age or older. If you are found to be underaged, we will have to kick you from the server and ban you. This will be the only warning we will give you. 

We strongly encourage you to set up 2 factor authentication for your Discord account.

DO NOT attempt to spam or troll ANYONE on the server.  Spamming or trolling attempts will result in a permanent ban.

Do not ask, demand, plead, or beg for free things or services  

Doxxing (releasing of a person's personal information) of ANY kind is prohibited. 

Please be respectful to other members. Bullying/harassment of any kind WILL NOT be tolerated. We have a zero tolerance for harassment, mockery, threats, and insults. These topics of consist: hate speech, harassment, terrorism, and violence . Any violation of this rule will result in the individual being banned from this server. Moderators have the last word on this.  You WILL be muted or even banned if you do not listen to the moderators.

Discussions of sexual actions or innuendos involving sexual actions towards a minor in any way/shape/form or fashion will be cause for immediate bans to all involved. *There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule, we do not care about circumstances that lead up to the violation of this rule or the members involved. We will ban you, this is not up for discussion/debate/option. This is the only warning about this rule that will be given.  

No derogatory language.  We have a list of banned words but in addition to that, this rule is at the moderators' discretion.  Please consult with a moderator if you are unsure before posting. 

Do not post pornographic content of ANY kind. Absolutely NO NSFW content is allowed on this server. A violation of this rule will result in muting or a ban.  

Do not share screenshots of conversations of this server outside of the community. Doing so will result in a ban.

Do not discuss sensitive topics such as politics and religion. We understand that these are important issues and a need for such discourses are important, but please find another community for you to express those opinions as we are a dating app community. Doing so will result in a warning, muting or ban depending on the severity of the action.

If you need to contact the staff, please use the @ModMail bot.  DO NOT DM a single mod to handle your issue. Modmail DMs are routed to the entire mod team and someone will assist faster this way.

Solicitation of ANY forms of service, advertising, and/or products for profit is not allowed in this server. This includes self-promotion of ANY kind. If you have a YouTube channel or service you think would be beneficial to the members of this server, please DM @ModMail for approval.

Please keep conversations in English for the sake of moderation. 

Moderators reserve the right to edit or delete any posts or nicknames. 

Protect yourself: If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or scams, feel free to message any of the admins with screenshots and we will take care of it. That includes DMs from people in the community where you feel that it is suspicious.